In this article you can find out what the report Period overview contains.

With this report you have insight into all data within Shiftbase of a certain period. Think of hours worked, scheduled shifts and turnover compared to labor costs.
Filters within the report (from left to right)
Period: The period from which you want to retrieve the data.
Team: The team (or teams) whose data you want to query.
Employee: The specific employee whose data you want to query.
- Contract departments: The contract department(s) whose data you want to query.
❗Caution: This filter will only display employees who are under contract to the selected contract department(s).
Contract type: The contract type of which you want to retrieve the data.
Group by: The way you want the information to be grouped. Either per Day, Week or Total.
Columns: The columns you want to see in the report. By default these are all selected, clicking on the checkbox in front of the column will uncheck them from the report and not be shown.
User id: The id of the employee determined by Shiftbase.
- Name: The name of the employee.
❗Caution: If the employee's name occurs multiple times, then the employee has also registered hours under other department(s).
Employee nr: The employee's number determined by Shiftbase or the payroll integration.
Location: The standard location of the employee. You can find this in the contract.
Department: The standard department of the employee. You can find this in the contract.
Contract type: The employee's contract type within Shiftbase.
- Absence policy: The absence policy created in the Settings. Depending on the contract type, you will see which absence policy is associated with the employee.
Days: The number of contract days of the employee within the selected period.
Contract hours: The number of contract hours of the employee within the selected period.
Days worked: The number of approved worked days of the employee within the selected period.
Hours worked: The number of approved hours worked by the employee within the selected period.
- Surcharge hours (paid): The number of hours the employee has been paid extra through a surcharge.
👀 Example: Employee worked 2 hours on Saturday with a 200% allowance card, then the allowance hours (paid) are 2 hours.
- Surcharge hours (time): The number of plus hours that the employee has obtained by extra hours worked in a different surcharge.
👀 Example: On a Sunday, 6 hours are worked with a time-for-time allowance card of 150%, then the allowance hours (time) are 3 hours.
Meals: The occasional meals taken.
Kilometers: The incidental kilometers driven.
Wait hours: The number of wait hours of the employee within the selected period.
Correction plus min: Total of the entered plus minus corrections in the period.
Pay plus min hours: The number of plus minus hours to be paid of the employee within the selected period.
Plus min period: The number of plus minus hours of the employee within the selected period, including corrections made. The value shown, is the difference in balance between the start and end date of the selected period.
Plus min at start of period: The position of plus minus hours at the beginning of the selected period.
Plus min at end of period: The balance of plus minus hours at the end of the selected period.
Pay plus min hours total: All plus hours that have been or are to be paid out by correction.
Plus min total last week: The total balance of plus minus hours from the past week.
Plus min total: The current total balance of plus minus hours.
- Overtime: The amount of overtime that was taken according to the overtime policy.
- Regular time: The number of worked hours without surcharge hours or overtime hours.
🗒️Note: The absence types will be displayed by the absence balance type: In days or hours according to the settings in your account.
Vacation (Days/Hours) : The number of days/hours recorded for a vacation.
Sick (Days/Hours): The number of sick days/hours recorded.
National holiday (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the national holiday type.
Special leave (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the special leave type.
Maternity leave (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the type of maternity leave.
Short-term care leave (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the short-term care leave type.
Long-term care leave (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the long-term care leave type.
Parental leave (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the type of parental leave.
Unpaid leave (Days/Hours): The number of days/hours recorded under the unpaid leave type.
Surcharge salary: The part of the salary that has been obtained with a supplementary allowance. This has already been deducted from the salary.
Salary: The salary of the employee. This is made up of the hours worked, absence, allowances and corrections.
Wage tax: Indicates whether the employee is using payroll tax.
Locations and departments: The hours worked that were performed within the respective department(s).