In this article you can find out what the report Turnover contains.

With this report, you have insight in the turnover from the diary within Shiftbase for a given period. You will also find the turnover forecast and employee costs per department.
Period: The period from which you want to retrieve the data.
Departments: The department (or several departments) you want to filter on.
Group by location: How you want the information to be grouped, here you have the options: Team, Department, Location or Account.
Group by period: How you want the information to be grouped, here you have the options: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year or Total.
Columns: The columns you want to see in the report. By default, these are all selected. Clicking on the checkbox in front of the column will uncheck them from the report and not be shown.
Period: The date from which you want to retrieve the report.
Location: The name of the location.
Location ID: The assigned ID from Shiftbase of the location.
Department: The name of the department.
Department ID: The assigned ID from Shiftbase of the department.
🗒️Note: If you have absence types in days, this report will show you the values in days and in hours accordingly.
Vacation (Days/Hours): The total amount of vacation hours/days taken in the selected period.
Sick (Days/Hours): The total amount of sick hours/days taken in the selected period.
National holiday (Days/Hours): The total amount of national holiday hours taken in the selected period.
Special leave (Days/Hours): The total amount of special leave taken in the selected period.
Maternity leave (Days/Hours): The total amount of maternity leave taken in the selected period.
Short-term care leave (Days/Hours): The total amount of short-term care leave taken in the selected period.
Long-term care leave (Days/Hours): The total amount of long-term care leave taken in the selected period.
Parental leave (Days/Hours): The total amount of parental leave taken in the selected period.
Unpaid leave (Days/Hours): The total amount of unpaid leave taken in the selected period.
Manually added absence types (Days/Hours): The total amount of hours/days taken in the selected period for the manually added absence types. If you added more than 1 absence type these will be visible in their own columns.
Budget salary: The budget specified in the schedule is based on salary for the selected period.
Budget time: The budget specified in the schedule is based on time for the selected period.
Turnover: Sales indicated in the journal.
Expected turnover: Sales revenue forecast in the schedule tab.
Expenses: Expenses are posted in the log.
Pay: The total worked hours to be paid including surcharges.
Wage: Total labor costs of all pay types together, including the absence. The costs of the absence are booked on the contract department of the employee.
Employees can be deployed on multiple departments, but the absence costs will only be booked on the contract department. -
Coc Salary: Wage costs at company level. Estimate of what the company is paying on total wage costs.
Coc: An estimate of the cost for the company based on the worked hours.
Hours worked: Total of hours worked.
Hours absent: Total absence in hours.
Contract hours: The number of contract hours per department for the selected period.
Sick leave percentage: The percentage of registered sickness hours in comparison to contract hours.
Turnover per hour: Turnover divided by the number of hours worked.
Salary: The salary divided by the amount of hours worked.
Percentage of turnover: Percentage of salary relative to revenue.
Percentage of Coc: Percentage of cost of company in respect of sales.