In this article you can find out what the report Employee contains.

This report gives you a handy overview of all the data entered in the employee overview. For example, you can easily get the addresses of the employees together; but also the contract dates, contract hours, hourly wages and much more information.
Period - The start and end date on which you want to request the data.
Team - The team (or several teams) you want to filter on.
Employee - Here you can specifically select one employee to filter on.
- Contract departments - The contract department (or departments) you want to filter on.
❗Caution: This is not the same as Team, employees can appear in multiple teams in different departments. However, employees always have only one contract department.
Contract type - The contract type you want to filter on.
Columns - The columns you want to see in the report. By default, these are all selected. Clicking on the checkbox in front of the column will uncheck them from the report and not be shown.
User ID - The ID of the employee determined by Shiftbase or the payroll integration.
Employee nr - The employee's number.
Location - Under which location the employee is located.
Department - Under which department the employee is included in his contract, the employees can return under several departments, but the contract department is leading.
First name - First name of the employee.
Prefix - The prefix, if applicable.
Last name - The last name of the employee.
Email - The e-mail address of the employee.
Address - Employee's address.
Zip code - Employee's zip code.
City - The city where the employee lives.
- Current status: The current status of your employee, if they're active or deactivated.
Hire date - The date the employee joined the company.
Start date - Start date of the contract in the system.
End date - End date of the contract, empty if the contract is permanent.
Birthdate - Date of Birth.
Birthplace - Place of Birth.
Nationality - Nationality of employee.
Ssn - Social Security Number.
Bank account - Bank account number.
Phone - Home phone number.
Mobile - Mobile phone number.
Emergency nr. - Emergency phone number.
Function - Function description of the employee.
Contract type - Type of contract used by employee.
- Absence policy - Show which absence policy the employee belongs to.
Hourly wage - Hourly wages.
Contract hours - Number of fixed contract hours per week.
Last login - Date of last login.
Logins - The total amount of logins via the website of the employee.
Created by - The person who added the employee to the account.
Modified by - The person who last edited the employee files.
Notes - Notes kept by the employer.
MFA enabled: Whether Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled for the employee.
- Custom fields: All custom fields that you added to your employees.