Importing employees

In this article you can find out how you can import employees via CSV.

Free_Basic_Premium Plan


🖥 Open in Shiftbase

It is possible to add all your employees to Shiftbase at once through an import. You can do this with a CSV file. You can also choose to add employees manually.


Go to the Employees tab and click on the arrow next to the + Add employee button at the top right, then click on CSV user import.

From this screen you can download a sample CSV file. The first line of this file contains the field names that can be specified. The second line shows an example of a user as it can be recorded. Fill in the data as completely as possible to best capture the employees.

⚠️ Warning: Fields with a ✱ are the minimum required fields for a successful CSV import.


Email: This email address allows the employee to log into Shiftbase

First name: First name of the employee

Last name: Last name of the employee

Contract: Contract type, by default only Zero hours and Fixed hours. Click here to go to Shiftbase and see what types are available.

Team: The default team of the employee

Hire date: Date the employee started working

Phone nr.: Employee's phone number

Mobile nr.: Employee's cell phone number

Emergency nr.: Employee's emergency number

Street: Street of the employee

City: City of the employee

Zipcode: Postal code of the employee

Birthdate: Employee's date of birth

Birthplace: Place of birth of the employee

Nationality: Nationality of the employee

Passport nr.: Passport number of the employee

Schedule note: Scheduling note for the employee

CSN: Citizen service number of the employee

Bank account nr.: IBAN of the employee

Employee nr.: Employee number of the employee

Function: Position of the employee

Startdate: The date that Shiftbase will be used

Enddate: End date of the contract, empty if there is no end date

Salary: The gross hourly wage of the employee. This is not used for payroll, but for calculations like budgeting and salary indications.

Description: Description in the contract of the employee

Contract hour Monday: Number of fixed contract hours on Monday

Contract hour Tuesday: Number of fixed contract hours on Tuesday

Contract hour Wednesday: Number of fixed contract hours on Wednesday

Contract hour  Thursday: Number of fixed contract hours on Thursday

Contract hour Friday: Number of fixed contract hours on Friday

Contract hour Saturday: Number of fixed contract hours on Saturday

Contract hour Sunday: Number of fixed contract hours on Sunday