In this article you can find out what the report Schedule vs Timesheet contains.

The report Schedule vs Timesheet shows the worked hours by department versus the scheduled hours. The smaller the difference is between the schedule and the timesheet, the better and more precise your schedule has been.
Period - The start and end date on which you want to request the data.
Team - The team (or several teams) you want to filter on.
Shift - The shift (or several shifts) you want to filter on.
Employee - Here you can specifically select one employee to filter on.
- Contract department: The contract department(s) whose data you want to query.
❗Caution: This filter will only display employees who are under contract to the selected contract department(s).
- Contract type: The contract type whose data you want to retrieve.
Columns - The columns you want to see in the report. By default, these are all selected. Clicking on the checkbox in front of the column will uncheck them from the report and not be shown.
Day - Every day in the requested period listed, even if there is no registration or schedule.
- Budget hours - The budgeted hours.
- Budget salary - The budgeted salary.
- Budget salary costs - The budgeted salary including the Cost of Company (CoC).
- Scheduled hours - The total scheduled hours.
- Scheduled salary - The total scheduled salary.
- Scheduled salary costs - The total scheduled salary including the Cost of Company (CoC).
- Timesheet hours - The total approved timesheet hours.
- Timesheet salary - The total approved timesheet salary.
- Timesheet salary costs - The total approved timesheet salary including the Cost of Company (CoC).
- Scheduled - Worked - The difference between the scheduled hours and the approved timesheet hours.
"Department" worked - Hours approved for the department.
"Department" scheduled - Hours scheduled for the department.