In this article you can find out what the report required shifts contain.
This report gives you insight into all the required shifts created in your schedule.
This report also shows every required shifts and the possible spots that might still be open in it.
- Period: The period from which you want to retrieve the data.
- Team: The team (or teams) whose data you want to request.
- Shift: The shift(s) whose data you want to request.
- Department: The department(s) whose data you want to request.
- Columns: The columns you want to see in the report.
By default they are all selected. The columns you do not want to see can be unmarked.
- Date: The date of the required shift.
- Day: The day of the required shift.
- Start time: Start time of the required shift.
- End Time: The end time of the required shift.
- Break: Shows how long the break is.
- Shift: The name of the shift.
- Location: The location where the required shift takes place.
- Department: The department where the required shift takes place.
- Team: The team where the required shift takes place.
- Required shifts: Whether the number of required shifts is based on minimum, maximum or exact.
- Instances: The specified number for the required shift.
- Actual instances: The actual number of the required shift.
- Time settings: The time settings of the required shift.
- Occurrence id: The identification numbers created by Shiftbase.
- Recurring shift: Whether the required shift is entered repeatedly.
- Description: The description of the occupancy.
- Created: The date the occupation was created.
- Created by: By whom the occupation was created.
- Updated: The da te the last change was made to the occupation.
- Modified by: Who made the last change to the line-up.