In this article you can find out what the report Balance details contains.

In the Balance details report, you can easily find detailed information about the time off for all your employees by day.
Period: The period on which you want to retrieve the data.
Team: The team (or several teams) you want to filter on.
Employee: Here you can select one employee specifically to filter on.
Time off balance: Here you can select one balance specifically to filter on.
- Contract departments: The contract department (or departments) you want to filter on.
❗Caution: This is not the same as Team, employees can appear in multiple teams in different departments. Employees always have only one contract department.
Contract type: The contract type you want to filter on.
Group by period: How do you want the information to be grouped, here you have the options: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year or Total.
Columns: The columns you want to see in the report. By default, these are all selected. Clicking on the checkbox in front of the column will uncheck them from the report and not be shown.
User id: The ID of the employee determined by Shiftbase or the payroll integration.
Employee nr: The employee's personal number.
Name: The name of the employee.
Period: The date or dates of the leave request based on the filter Group by period.
Balance: Of which time off balance the leave request is taken.
- Balance unit: The balance is displayed in days or hours.
Start: The leave start balance on the date of the request.
Accrued: The leave balance that is accrued on the date at Period.
Taken: The amount of leave balance taken on the date at Period.
Adjusted: The correction that has been done on the date at Period.
Wait hours: Possible waiting hours that have been implemented on the date at Period.
End: The leave balance after all previous balances have been included on the date of the request.