In this article you can find out how to publish a work schedule.

Within Shiftbase, all schedules are visible to employees by default. The schedule publishes all shifts 365 Days ahead. You can change this number of Days from the schedule settings.
Setting up the Days
First we need to navigate to the Settings>Schedule. From here you can scroll to the bottom of the page and set the desired amount of days in advance when the schedule should be published.
If you want to know more about the General Schedule Settings, click here.
In the Schedule tab you can check for which period the schedules are published. Click the Arrow in the top right corner on the button Add shift. Then click on Publish schedule.
In the example below, the schedule is published until Wednesday (green), and therefore visible for the employees. Thursday until Sunday are not yet published (red), and therefore not visible for employees.
By clicking on a day, it can be published or hidden for employees. You can also click on the Calendar icon on the right hand side to publish the entire schedule.
To make the publication status visible in the schedule, go to the Schedule tab and click on the Filters button in the top right corner. In this list, Show publication status must be checked.
Checking the Status
When this is on you will see the publication bar appear above the work schedule. By clicking on a day section outside the period of automatic publication, a day can be published, or hidden from employees.

⚠️ Warning: When scheduling a shift, the Send Notification option is off by default. When the number of published days is less than 365, this option is on by default.