My absence

In this article you can find out how to gain overview over your absences.

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When you go to the Absence tab in the Dashboard, you have insight into all matters related to your absence as an employee. You can see your current leave balance, request absences and view the status of old requests.


Time off balances

Requesting an absence

Reviewed requests


Time off balances

Here, you can find the balance of your time off. They're all calculated based on your contract. 

  • The absence balance today means how many hours of leave the employee has accrued on this day (meaning today).
  • Taken represents the hours of leave taken in this year. Only approved absence requests are displayed as Taken.
  • The starting balance is the remaining leave from last year that has been carried over into this year.
  • The ending balance is the total leave entitlement for the entire year. If the employee started later than January 1st, the calculation is based on the start date of their contract until the end of the year.

Requesting an absence

In Pending Requests, you can see all the absences you've requested but have yet to be approved. You can easily request a new absence by clicking the + Add absence button in the absence tab.

Once you have clicked on +Add absence, you will be taken to the screen below.

  • Type: If you have the appropriate permissions, you can select the absence type you request here. 

  • Period: The period you'd like to request is the desired period. In the table, you will find an overview of all days/hours within this period. 

You can click the Save button when you have filled in all the information.

Your request will then go to your supervisor, who will either approve or reject it. This will be shown in your overview. If you're an Admin, your absence request is automatically and instantly approved.

Could you read more about adding absence here?

Reviewed requests

You can view all the approved absence requests in this menu, as the name suggests.


I've included all the corrections made to your time off balance here. If you have questions about your balance, please don't hesitate to contact your supervisor.