In this article you can find out what the report Timesheet detail contains.

The timesheet detail report includes contract hours, worked hours and specified hours, but also the clock times, schedule times and specified costs per employee.
Period: The start and end date on which you want to request the data.
Team:The team (or several teams) you want to filter on.
Shift: The shift (or several shifts) you want to filter on.
Employee: Here you can specifically select one employee to filter on.
- Contract departments: The contract department (or departments) you want to filter on.
❗Caution: This is not the same as Team: employees can appear in multiple teams in different departments. However, employees always only have one contract department.
Contract type: The contract type you want to filter on (by default these are the options fixed hours or zero hours).
Status: The possibility to filter the status of a timesheet. Here you have the choice of All statuses, Approved, Declined and Pending.
Columns: The columns you want to see in the report. By default, these are all selected. Clicking on the checkbox in front of the column will uncheck them from the report and not be shown.
User ID: The ID of the employee determined by Shiftbase or the payroll integration.
Employee nr: The employee's personal number.
Name:Name of the employee.
Date: Date of the timesheet registration.
Day: The day of the week
Start time: Start time of the shift.
Clocked in at: Clock in time of the shift.
End time: End time of the shift.
Clocked out at: Clock out time of the shift.
Break: Break registered in the timesheet.
Clocked Break: Clocked break.
Shift: The name of the shift.
Location: Name of the location.
Department: Name of the department.
Team: Name of the team.
Contract type: Name of the contract used with the timesheet.
- Contract department: The department in the contract of the employee.
Worked: The worked hours in the timesheet.
Surcharge hours (paid): The number of surcharge hours paid in the timesheet.
Total incl. surcharge: The worked hours and surcharged hours combined.
Meals: The occasionally listed meals.
Kilometers: The occasionally listed kilometers.
Surcharge "%": All hours made under a surcharge, surcharge settings can be found under, Settings > Rate cards.
- Overtime: The number of hours worked in an overtime policy.
- Regular time: The number of hours worked as regular time.
Status: The status of the timesheet (approved, pending or declined)
Wage: The employee's wage costs. Salary including all surcharges.
Coc: Cost of the company during this period.
Contract hours p/w: The number of fixed hours per week included in the contract of the employee.
Schedule start time: Scheduled start time of the shift.
Schedule end time: Scheduled end time of the shift.
Schedule break: The scheduled break of the shift.
Schedule total: Total of all the scheduled hours.
Schedule difference: The difference between the scheduled hours and the timesheet. For example, if there is a difference of -0,5 then there is a shortage in the schedule of half an hour.
Note: Note added to the timesheet.
Clocked: If there has been clock action.
Clocked breaks: Break time in minutes, clock in and clock out time.
Clockin ip: The IP address where there has been clocked in.
Clocking type: The device used for clocking in (browser, mobile app or clock terminal)
Clocking verified by: If the clock action is authorized.
Clocking latitude: The GPS latitude of the clock in action.
Clocking longitude: The GPS longitude of the clock in action.
Clocking accuracy: The accuracy of the GPS determination when clocking in.
Clockout ip: The IP address where there has been clocked out.
Clock out type: The device used for clocking out (browser, mobile app or clock terminal)
Clock out verified by: If the clock action is authorized.
Clock out latitude: The GPS latitude of the clock-out action.
Clock out longitude: The GPS longitude of the clock-out action.
Clock out accuracy: The accuracy of the GPS determination when clocking in.
Created: Who added the worked hours to the timesheet.
Updated: The date of the latest adjustment of the timesheet.
Modified by: The person who made the last adjustment to the timesheet.
Reviewed: When the timesheet has been reviewed.
Reviewed by: Who approved the hours in the timesheet.
Timesheet ID: Timesheet ID created by the system.
- Schedule ID: Schedule ID created by the system.
Shift ID: Shift ID created by the system.
Team ID: Team ID created by the system.
Department ID: Department ID created by the system.
Location ID: Location ID created by the system.
Rate card ID: Rate card ID created by the system.
Contract type ID: Contract type ID created by the system.
Hourly wage: The hourly wage of the employee.