In this article you can find out what the report Open shifts contains.

This report gives you insight into all open shifts in the schedule within Shiftbase for a given desired period.
Filters within the report
Period: The period from which you want to retrieve the data.
Team: The team (or teams) whose data you want to query.
Shift: The shift(s) from which you want to retrieve the data.
Employee: The specific employee whose data you want to query.
Columns: The columns you want to see in the report. By default these are all selected.
Date: The date of the scheduled open shift.
Day: The day of the scheduled open shift.
Start time: Start time of the scheduled open shift.
End time: End time of the scheduled open shift.
Break: Shows how long the break is.
Shift: The name of the open shift.
Location: The location where the scheduled open shift takes place.
Department: The department where the scheduled open shift takes place.
Team: The team where the scheduled open shift takes place.
Instances: The total number of this particular open shift.
Remaining instances: The number of unrecovered shifts of this specific open shift.
- Approval required: Whether 'Approval required' is checked on or off.
Occurence id: The automatically assigned id of the shift.
Recurring shift: Whether it is a recurring shift
Description: The description of the open shift.
Total: The total number of hours listed for the open shift.
Created: The date the scheduled open shift was created.
Created by: By whom the scheduled open shift was created.
Updated: The date the last change was made to the open shift.
Modified by: Who made the last change to the open shift.
- Total invited: The total amount of employees invited.
- Requested: The amount of employees that requested to pick up the open shift.
- Pending: The amount of people invited for the open shift but have not responded yet.
- Declined: The amount of employees that declined the open shift.