Mobile app: Notifications

In this article you can find out how to manage your notifications in the Mobile app.

Basic_Premium Plan

In the Mobile app you have an overview of all notifications that have been sent to your account on the top right of your dashboard, under the bell symbol.



Open shifts (Basic)

Management (Planner)


Here you will find an overview of all the exchange requests you have sent as well as all the requests sent to you. By clicking on a request, you can view more details of the request.
If it is an incoming request, you can either accept or reject it when viewing the details.

Open shifts (Basic)

Here you will find an overview of the open shifts offered to you per month. At the top of the page you can change the month. When you click on a shift that has been offered, you will be given the option of accepting or rejecting it.

Management (Planner)

As a planner, you have an extra tab at your dashboard.
On this page you can directly process incoming requests for shift change requests and absences. By clicking on a request, you can view the details of the request. Here you can also approve or deny the request. If it is an absence request you can click on the pencil icon to change the request.