In this article you can find out what different ways there are to register your time.

Many companies keep track of their hours in Excel. To keep the overview and avoid mistakes you can choose Shiftbase's online time registration software. In this software hours can be registered in different ways.
Automatically from the schedule:
The hours from the schedule are automatically copied to the timesheet. These hours can be changed manually.
- Automatic time registration. -
- May deviate from actual hours worked.
Manually by manager:
A manager can manually record the hours worked by employees.
- Full control over the hours worked by the manager. -
- Time intensive for manager.
- Less or no insight into the starting time of employees.
Manual by employee:
An employee can register his or her own hours worked. These can be checked by the manager.
- No manual entry work for the manager. -
- Error prone
- Chance of employee forgetting to register hours worked.
Clocking by manager:
A manager can clock employees in and out.
- Insight into current wage costs.
- Clear overview of who is working. -
- Time-consuming for the manager.
- Prone to errors when a manager forgets to clock in.
💡 Tip: Often used when employees cannot clock in and out themselves.
Clocking in via desktop:
Employees can clock themselves in from their personal desktop environment .
- Clocking in and out is possible from any location.
- Insight into current wage costs.
- Overview of who is at work. -
- Employees must have a desktop.
- Error prone when an employee forgets to clock in.
Clocking in with Mobile app:
Employees can clock themselves in from the mobile app for iPhone and Android.
- It is possible to clock in and out from any location.
- Insight into current wage costs.
- A clear overview of who is at work. -
- Prone to errors when an employee forgets to clock in.
Clocking with a clock terminal:
Employees can clock themselves in via a physical terminal on site. This can be done with their own pin code, key chain, bank card or finger scan.
- Clocking in with a pin code, key chain, bank card or finger scan.
- Insight into current wage costs.
- Overview of who is at work. -
- One-time purchase cost of terminal(s).
✳️ Recommended: Using a terminal is the recommended method! Click here to request more information about the options for you!
Clocking with kiosk app:
Employees can clock themselves in via the kiosk app, available for tablet, computer and smartphone. Clocking in can be done with your own unique pin code per employee.
- No one-time purchase costs.
- Because of the physical presence of the kiosk, clocking in is not forgotten.
- Insight into current wage costs.
- A clear overview of who is at work. -
- Making tablet, desktop or smartphone available as a clock terminal.
Clocking with cash register:
Employees can clock themselves in on a cash register system that is linked to Shiftbase.
- No purchase cost of clock facility.
- Insight into current wage costs.
- Clear overview of who is all at work. -
- Cash register is used as a clock facility, so this can get in the way of the cash register function.