Schedule compliance check

In this article you can find out how to use the schedule compliance check for your schedule.

Premium Plan

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To ensure compliance with the Arbeidstijdenwet (Schedule compliance check), Shiftbase offers the Schedule compliance check feature. This feature automatically checks the schedule for any violations and covers a three-month period.

To enable the Schedule compliance check, you need to activate it in the Schedule Settings by selecting the Schedule compliance check option.

Schedule compliance check in the Schedule

Once the Schedule compliance check is set up, navigate to the Schedule tab.
At the bottom of the screen, in the status bar, you will see a field called Violations.
This counter displays the number of violations of the Schedule compliance check in the current schedule for all visible departments. 

An exclamation mark on a scheduled shift indicates a conflict or violation of the working hours law.
By hovering your mouse over such a shift, you can determine whether it is a conflict or a violation.

When adding, modifying, or removing a shift, it is immediately checked for compliance with the Schedule compliance check. You will see a loading bar at the top of the screen, and any violations will become visible within seconds.

⚠️ Warning: The Schedule compliance check only works for upcoming periods and not for the past

