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- Time tracking
How do I approve worked hours?
In this article you can find out, how to approve worked hours in the web and mobile app.

In the web and mobile app it is possible to approve worked hours of your employees, if you have the correct permissions for it.
Over the webapp:
To approve worked hours of your employees you have two options, you can either approve it per day or per week / month. To approve the times per day, you switch to the Day view on the top left and then click +Approve on the top right
To approve hours in the week / month you simply switch on the week or month view on the top left, select the employees you'd like to approve the timesheet for and click +Approve
Over the mobile app:
In the Timesheets tab of your mobile app, you can view the registered hours for each day and department. At the top you can select the day and/or department you wish to view. When you open the page, the current day is automatically displayed.
By clicking on a registration, you can view its details. If you want to change the registration, you can do so by clicking on the pencil icon in the upper right corner. Via the icon with the white plus you can add a timesheet.
To approve the hours worked, click on the registration. You can now approve that time of the shift. You can also approve or decline multiple times at once by clicking on the : on the left of the registration and then picking the ✅or ❌at the bottom of the page.