Growzer integration

In this article you can find out how to set up the Growzer integration.

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In Shiftbase it is possible to create a link with Growzer so that data can be exchanged without manual intervention.


Requesting Growzer integration

Activating Growzer integration

Active integrations

Requesting the Growzer integration

Applying for the Growzer can be done by going to Settings > App center > Growzer.
You can request the integration by clicking Request.

You will then be redirected to
Log in with your Growzer account or create an account.

Then click on the Contact button in
Then complete this form to make the Request.


Activating the Growzer integration

Once the request has been sent, the information will be submitted to Growzer and they will contact Shiftbase Support to issue an API token.
This is used to connect Shiftbase to Growzer.
The API token can be entered via the Public API, this will be done by Shiftbase Support after Growzer has provided the necessary token.

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Active integrations

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  • If you want to make changes later, you can do so by going to Settings > App center > Growzer.
    In the active app overview, you will see 2 symbols. These are as follows:

    • Pencil icon: You can adjust the name of the integration with this button.
    • Recycle bin icon: This deactivates the integration.