
Hey there! 👋 Here’s what’s new, fixed, and downright awesome in Shiftbase

:rocket: Improvements:

  •  User experience enhancements:
    • Absence modal update: Important details in the absence modal are now easier to view.
    • Public holiday import: Users in Spain can now import public holidays
  • Mobile language support:
    • Improved the login, clock-in, and welcome screen experiences to support multiple languages.
  • Integration enhancements:
    • LoketV2 integration: Import employees from LoketV2 directly into Shiftbase teams.
  • Timesheet management
    • Clock in/out times: You can now hide clock-in and clock-out times from the timesheets.

:tools: Fixes:

  • Employee List on Mobile: Fixed a display issue causing some employee lists to be incomplete on mobile.
  • Balance Totals Display: Resolved an issue where balance totals and details wouldn’t load without selecting a team.